
5 days


Employees of federal, state and local governments; and businesses working with the government.

Course Description:

This is a course designed to take anyone with even a basic understanding of high school algebra and develop their cryptographic knowledge to the point that they have a strong working knowledge of cryptographic algorithms as well as applications of cryptography.

Course Topics:

  1. Historical cryptography
    1. Atbash
    2. Caesar
    3. Hill
    4. Rail fence
    5. Vigenere
  2. Symmetric cryptography
    1. Basic information theory
    2. DES
    3. 3DES
    4. AES
    5. Serpent
    6. GOST
    7. Skipjack
    8. Blowfish
    9. S-boxes and s-box design
  3. Basic math required for asymmetric cryptography
    1. Algebra of groups
    2. Euler’s totient
    3. Modulus operations
    4. Discrete logarithm
  4. Asymmetric cryptography
    1. Diffie Hellman
    2. RSA
    3. ECC
    4. MQV
    5. ElGamal
  5. Hashes
    1. MD5
    2. SHA (1, 2, 3)
    3. Whirlpool
    4. RipeMD
    5. Tiger
    6. MAC
    7. HMAC
  6. PRNG
    1. Tests of Randomness
    2. 1-D, Runs, Poker
    3. Standards for PRNG
    4. PRNG Algorithms
      1. Mid-Square
      2. LCG
  • Blum Blum Shub
  1. Yarrow
  1. Applications of cryptography
    1. SSL/TLS
    2. VPNs/IPSEC
    3. Authentication (Chap, Kerberos, Sesame, etc.)
    4. Digital Signatures and Certificates

Students will have hands on experience with Crypttool actually generating hashes, testing random numbers, and working with various algorithms.