5 Days
Course Code: METAND-2018
Employees of federal, state and local governments; and businesses working with the government.
Linux Hacking
Linux operating system essentials
- Linux password cracking
- Linux vulnerabilities
Introduction to Kali Linux
- Recon-ng
- Vega
- Dmitry
- Maltego
- Sparta
Introduction to Metasploit
- Basic usage of msfconsole
- How to use exploits
- Exploit examples
- Getting remote shell
More with Metasploit
- Msfvenom
- Meterpreter and post exploits
- Customizing payload
- More metasploit attacks
Introduction Scripting with Ruby
- Basic ruby scripting
- How ruby is structure
Write your own Metasploit exploits with Ruby
- Customizing existing exploits
- Create an exploit
- Android
Android architecture
- Bluetooth attacks
- Hacking Android
Extras (these are items to cover if time permits. Different classes proceed at different rates. If the class needs the entire 5 days for the preceding material, that is fine. But some classes complete it in about 4 days, and if that is the case, there is additional hacking/pen testing material that can be covered)
- Pen Testing Standards
- NIST 800-115
- National Security Agency InfoSec Assessment Methodology (NSA- IAM)
- Rcon
- Nmap
- Google searches
- ShodanHq
- Vega