ITDojo is the Place of the Way!
Founded in 2002, ITdojo takes a different approach to IT training. Put simply: we believe in learning by doing. Year after year stories are recounted to us about IT training being little more than “Death by PowerPoint” coupled with instructors teaching the test rather than the material. If passing an exam is on your agenda, great! We can help you with that. But our primary focus always has and always will be to help clients to learn the material in a way that is going to make them better at their job. Our team uses other means of knowledge transference, ones that add value to the experience, ones that prepare your staff not only for exams and certification, but also for the real world. By immersing our clients in intensive, hands-on training we are confident that they will gather the knowledge needed to succeed.
Our team members come to you as established, highly experienced networking and information security professionals whose IT skills are rivaled only by their affinity for presenting complex material in an engaging and readily understandable way. We have dynamic, innovative facilitators with the ability to illustrate concepts using real-world examples, vivid analogy and personal anecdotes. The quality of training provided by ITdojo is the single most important aspect of our business and each member of our team has a vested interest in making sure that you and the members of your team get the skills and information needed to be successful. The commitment we have to our clients is personal. We are strong believers that our success depends on theirs. Because of this, our instruction staff is here for you and your team before, during and after class.
We work exclusively with the government (federal, state and local), the contractors that support them and corporate clients. Scores of these organizations rely on ITdojo alone to provide their personnel with the skills needed to succeed.
Complementing our instructor-led training here in Virginia Beach, we also offer our clients access to Live Remote Training as well as bringing instructors on-site to our clients’ facilities. There is no substitute for instructor-led training but if learning at your own pace works for you we can help with that, too. We offer a full-complement of self-paced training options through partnerships with other training organizations.